lunedì 2 luglio 2012

Live like you are traveling

I recently read a few pages from the book Art of Traveling by Alain de Botton about how we view our worlds when we are traveling versus when we are "at home" or in a routine.
Traveling is one of the most exciting activities because we are so aware of what is going on. Everything is new and fresh. And we, in turn, have the opportunity to be new and fresh, maybe even a little different, and daring.
When we get home, or even while we are still living abroad, we can tend to get into a rut or slump. We view our lives as normal, boring, nothing special. 
Chocies are calculated. No time for funny business. No chance encounters. We MAKE things predictable. 
The magical feeling of traveling is gone.

What is it about the way we live, the way we allow ourselves to be when we are traveling that is so liberating?

1. Being aware
    When we travel, everything is new and our senses are on the verge of being overloaded. We are observing the cashier's hairstyle, colors, buildings, and movement of people on the street.
When we are in a rut, we tend to zone these things out. It all becomes a blur as we are on a mission to get things done and meet our deadlines. Its like we are living in this unknown place, trying to catch up with the future that we have planned out for ourselves.

2. Appreciating WHAT IS at that moment
  When I'm traveling, I am on a journey. I am having an experience and don't need to question why things are happening the way they are. When I miss my train, or get caught in a rainstorm, I think to myself, "Aren't things suppose to happen to you on a trip? Isn't that the adventure of it all?"

What if we could view our everyday lives as this type of adventure and not only accept, but appreciate the moments for exactly what they are?

3. Letting go of control
When you travel, you have to accept that you cannot control everything. Your flight could be delayed, you might get lost, you will probably have to try some new food.
There is something liberating about acknowledging that we are not fully in control of our lives. The Universe will bring us beautiful things if we are open and willing to let go of the way we think things should be.

4. Believing your life is interesting and exciting
Do you believe your life is interesting? That there are opportunities for delight and adventure just around the corner? Believing your life is boring and that nothing spontaneous can happen might blind you to the chance encounters and delights that life can bring.

Why not live like you are traveling?

Your everyday life could be way more interesting than you think!

2 commenti:

  1. Ciao Lacy!
    Mi piace il tuo blog e mi manca molto!!! Chiama mi su skype a presto! Bacio!
    Farren <3

  2. just love your writing! :) keep it up!!
